Current Grant Support
NIH/NEI, (R01 EY032543) “Neural Retina-Specific Bim Expression and Hyperoxia Sensitivity of the Developing Retinal Vasculature” (2021-2026). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
Spotlight Therapeutics, “Using TAGE to target gene mutations in mice retina” (2021-2022). Pattnaik, Co-PI
UW ICTR, “Visual function of neonates as a measure of neurodevelopment outcome” (2021-2022). Pattnaik, PI
Hubble Therapeutics, “Assessment of Ocular Function in KCNJ13 conditional knockout mice administered subretinal HUB-101 and assessment of expression of HUB-101 in hfRPE cells in monolayer culture” (2020-2021). Pattnaik, PI
NIH/NEI (R24EY032434), “Restoring Vision with High-Fidelity Nonsense Codon Correction” (2021-2025). Pattnaik, PI
UW VCRGE, “Functional read-through of both arginine and tryptophan nonsense mutations using novel ELOXX compounds” (2021-2022). Pattnaik, PI
UW VCRGE, Supplement to “Molecular Therapy for Kir7.1 Channelopathy” (2021). Pattnaik, PI
NIH/NIBIB (U01 EB029371), “Single cell profiling to define biomarkers of photoreceptor dysfunction after gene editing within PSC-derived organoids” (2019-2023). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
NIH/NEI (R01 EY030123), “Targeting BAX as a therapeutic for protection of retinal ganglion cells” (2019-2023). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
NIH/NEI (R01 EY022086), “Molecular genetics of age-dependent retinal degeneration” (2018-2023). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
SCRMC, “CRISPR base editing and stem cell therapy for inherited retinal dystrophy” (2020-2021). Pattnaik, Mentor to Meha Kabra
DOD, Army & University of Colorado (W81XWZH-16-0775), “A comprehensive approach to whole eye transplantation: Building a scientific foundation for new therapies in vision restoration” (2020-2021). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
Foundation Fighting Blindness, “Gene editing nanomedicines to correct pathogenic mutations in the retina” (2018-2021). Pattnaik, Co-PI
Ateres Avigail, “Restoration of potassium channel function using mouse models of Lebers Congenital Amaurosis (LCA16) as a means to treat retinal channelopathies” (2018-2021). Pattnaik, PI
DOD, Army & University of Pittsburgh (W81XWZH-16-0775), “A comprehensive approach to whole eye transplantation: building a scientific foundation for new therapies in vision restoration” (2016-2020). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
Retina Research Foundation, “Matthews research professorship” (2016-ongoing). Pattnaik, PI
Completed Grant Support
Spotlight Therapeutics, “Subretinal delivery of Spotlight TAGE biologics for gene disruption” (2020). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
UW Office of the VCGRE, “Gene editing nanomedicines to correct pathogenic mutations in retinal pigmented epithelium” (2018-2020). Pattnaik, Co-PI
NIH/NICHD (T32 HD041921), “Endocrinology-reproductive physiology training grant” (2018-2020). Pattnaik, Mentor to Katie Beverley
NIH/NEI (R01 EY024995), “Molecular therapies for Lebers Congenital Amaurosis caused by KCNJ13 mutations” (2015-2020). Pattnaik, PI
NIH/NEI & University of Iowa (R01 EY024588), “Disease mechanisms in Best Disease” (2015-2019). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
Meriter Foundation, “Retinopathy of prematurity due to oxytocin deprivation” (2018). Pattnaik, PI
NIH/NICHD (T32HD041921), “Endocrinology-reproductive physiology training grant” (2017-2018). Pattnaik, Mentor to Nathan York
NIH/NEI (R24 EY022883), “Novel antiangiogenic peptides for treatment of exudative AMD” (2013-2018). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
Meriter Foundation, “Specificity of oxytocin induced retinopathy” (2017). Pattnaik, PI
NIH/NEI, “Sigma-1 chaperone-mediated in vivo neuroprotection in the retina” (2012-2017). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
NIH/NEI, “ARVO travel award” (2016). Pattnaik, Mentor to Nathan York
Meriter Foundation, “Effect of oxytocin on retina angiogenesis as a measure of ROP” (2016). Pattnaik, PI
Anonymous Donor, “LCA16 research” (2013-2016). Pattnaik, PI
NIH/NHLBI (R01 HL079020), “Pregnancy/NO induced changes in UAE Ca2+signaling” (2007-2016). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
Meriter Foundation, “Oxytocinergic signaling in the eye and retinopathy of prematurity: Proof of principle” (2015). Pattnaik, PI
Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society (Undergraduate Research Grant, Michelle Chiu), “Uncovering oxytocin signaling in a single cell” (2014-2015). Pattnaik, Mentor
NIH/NEI (R01 EY022086), “Molecular genetics of age-dependent retinal degeneration” (2012-2015). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
Meriter Foundation, “Oxytocinergic signaling in the eye: its contribution to Retinopathy of Prematurity” (2014). Pattnaik, PI
University of Wisconsin Hilldale Fellow (2014). Pattnaik, Mentor for Michelle Chiu
University of Wisconsin Medical School Shapiro Summer Research Program (2014). Pattnaik, Mentor for Vladimer Bakhutashvill
Meriter Foundation, “Oxytocinergic signaling in the eye: its contribution to Retinopathy of Prematurity” (2013). Pattnaik, PI
Macula Vision Research Foundation, “The role of birth-related hormones in retinopathy of prematurity” (2011-2013). Pattnaik, Co-Investigator
University of Wisconsin, “Rebecca Meyer Brown Professorship” (2009-2013). Pattnaik, PI
Meriter Foundation, “Oxytocin signaling in the Retina Pigment Epithelium (RPE) cells and its contribution to Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)” (2012). Pattnaik, PI
Meriter Foundation, “The role of birth-related hormones in retinopathy of prematurity” (2011). Pattnaik, PI
Fight for Sight (Summer Student Fellowship, Simran Brar), “Understanding Best’s Disease mechanisms due to a cytoplasmic point mutation” (2011). Pattnaik, Mentor
NIH/NCRR and University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (UL1 TR025011), “Human RPE cell electrophysiology to model eye-disease” (2010-2011). Pattnaik, PI